分類類別> 出售轉讓> 生意轉讓


轉讓服裝店和縫紉工作室;我們主營定製服裝和修改服裝 (價格面議 );開業四年, 固定客戶1000餘;如果你是一名優秀的時裝設計師和藝術家, 這是非常適合你繼續經營我的業務. 我相信你會比我經營得更好因為你有更好的銷售和經濟能力..(原因 無奈我的腎有問題需要回香港長期調理)
有意者請到 4025 E. Sunset Rd. NV 89014 面談. 非誠勿擾! 請來電預約(不要發短信謝謝!):

Sell my business and studio
Far Ample(Custom Clothing&Alterations)
I would like to Sell ​​my business and studio. It has been in business for four years and has more than 1000 stable customers. If you are an excellent fashion designer and artist, it is very suitable for you to continue to run my business. I believe you will run the business better than me Because you have better sales economic ability.. (By the way, I need to go back to Hong Kong for long-term conditioning because my Kidney has problems)
